报 告 人:Arun Kumar Sangaiah教授报告题目:Title: Analysis of Empirical Software Engineering – Research Paradigms报告时间:2016年12月16日(周五)上午9:30报告地点:静远楼906报告厅主办单位:智慧教育学院、科技处报告摘要:The Software Engineering research has been classified in to two types: (1) Empirical Software Engineering and (2) Experimental Software Engineering. This report is mainly illustrating the research paradigms involved in empirical software engineering.Further, empirical software engineering basic concepts, methods in analysis of software engineering process, data and their need in research perspective has going to be discussed in detail.报告人简介:Arun Kumar Sangaiah has received his Master of Engineering (ME) degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli, Anna University, India. He had received his Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the VIT University, Vellore, India. He is presently working as an Associate Professor in School of Computer Science and Engineering, VIT University, India. His area of interest includes software engineering, computational intelligence, wireless networks, bio-informatics, and embedded systems. He has authored more than 100 publications in different journals and conference of national and international repute. His current research work includes global software development, wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, machine learning, cognitive networks and advances in mobile computing and communications. Moreover, he has carried out number of funded research projects for Indian government agencies. Also, he was registered a one Indian patent in the area of Computational Intelligence. Besides, Prof. Sangaiah is responsible for Editorial Board Member/Associate Editor of various international journals.