报 告 人:朱怀平 教授报告题目:Higher codimension bifurcation and dynamics in models for mosquito-borne diseases报告时间:2016年11月 14日(周一)16:30报告地点:静远楼1508报告厅主办单位:数学与统计学院、科技处报告摘要: The reason for an infectious diseases to become endemic or recurrent are two important aspects for the transmission of infectious diseases. In this talk I will investigate the underlying mechanisms to explain these two features for mosquito-borne disease. I will introduce the impact of limited health resources and impact to the endemic of mosquitoes by considering the nonlinear recovery rate, and show that the nilpotent singularity of high codimension will be the organizing center for the complex dynamics. Then I will discuss the interplay between the nonlinear incidence rate (media impact, psychological effect, etc.) and the nonlinear recovery rate due to limited health resources. The talk is based on a series of joint work with Chunhua Shan.报告人简介: 朱怀平,2000年获加拿大蒙特利尔大学数学博士学位,后在滑铁卢大学,佐治亚理工学院从事博士后研究工作。现任加拿大约克大学教授,并行计算与模拟实验室主任。长期从事分支理论及其应用、希尔伯特第十六问题、生物数学、气候。