江苏高校优势学科概率统计前沿系列讲座之七十五报 告 人:濮晓龙 教授报告题目:Hypothesis testing for quantitative trait locus effects in both mean and variance in genetic backcross studies报告时间:2016年11月 11日(周五)16:30报告地点:静远楼1506报告厅主办单位:数学与统计学院、科技处报告摘要: Testing the existence of a quantitative trait locus (QTL) effect is an important task in QTL mapping studies. Most studies concentrate on the case where the phenotypes of different QTL groups follow normal distributions with the same unknown variance. In practice, the phenotype distributions may deviate from normal, and ignoring the potential heterogeneity in the variability may decrease the power of the QTL detection. In this paper we make a more general assumption that the phenotype distributions come from a location-scale distribution family, and we study the asymptotic behavior of the likelihood ratio test (LRT) for testing the existence of a QTL effect in genetic backcross studies. We show that the limiting distribution of the LRT for the existence of the QTL effect in both mean and variance is the supremum of a chi-square process when the QTL location is unknown. We further identify an explicit representation for this limiting distribution, which can be used to rapidly determine the critical values of the LRT. As a complement, we study the limiting distribution of the LRT and its explicit representation for the existence of the QTL effect in the mean only. None of the developed asymptotic results relies on the bounded parameter space assumption for the mean parameter, which is commonly assumed in existing studies. Local power analyses are also investigated. Simulation studies are used to evaluate the asymptotic results, and a real-data example is included for illustration.报告人简介: 濮晓龙,现任华东师范大学经济与管理学部副主任、华东师范大学统计学院院长,兼任中国现场统计研究会副理事长、全国工业统计学教学研究会副会长、《数理统计与管理》杂志副主编、中国质量协会常务理事、全国统计方法应用标准化技术委员会委员、中国质量教育委员会委员、中国六西格玛推进工作委员会委员、上海市质量技术应用统计学会副理事长等。现主持一项国家自然科学基金面上项目、一项上海市委托科研项目。发表论文30多篇、出版专著1本、参与编写出版教材8本、主持制定国家标准一项。先后荣获2006年度“军队科技进步一等奖” 2011年度“军队科技进步二等奖”。 并获评2013年度上海市宝钢奖、2008年度华东师范大学师德标兵、2007 年度上海市优秀成果一等奖、2013年度上海市优秀教学成果二等奖等荣誉。