11月2日 徐军研究员学术报告(数统学院)


报 告 人:徐军

报告题目:Smart, Sustainable, and Resilient City—An integrated framework for esilience management of networked city infrastructures

报告时间:2016年11月 2日(周三)16:00




  Functioning, resilient, safe, secure and sustainable city assets, infrastructure systems and networks are essential to underpin our modern society. Cities of various scales are all facing unprecedented challenges of complexities and uncertainties to provide quality services to their citizens, due to growing population, rapid urbanization, changing climate and ineffective infrastructure investment with insufficient plans for disaster risk. These cities are becoming highly fragile and vulnerable to climate change extremes, natural hazards and/or man-made threats, as they have already evolved into intricate webs or system of systems; and the failure of or damage to any part of the infrastructure components could induce cascading effects to all interconnected and interdependent city infrastructures, resulting in catastrophic economic losses and huge social disruptions. Despite great efforts have been attributed to resilience research over recent years, there still lacks an integrated view of the practices, guidance, methodologies and models, decision supporting tools and solutions for city authorities, inter-network infrastructure operators, the public and all the other stakeholders to work collaboratively to achieve whole city resilience. This talk will introduce a holistic integrated framework for resilience management of networked city infrastructures. The framework leverages emerging information and communication technologies, such as internet of things, cloud computing, big data analytics, social network, geographical information system and building information modeling to capture, synthesize, process, standardize, store, share and analyze the static and dynamic data on inter-network city infrastructures’ structures and operation status in order to identify the threats, reduce the vulnerabilities, minimize the impacts of, respond to and recover from man-made or natural incidents. The latest international initiatives related to community and urban resilience as well as their relevance and implication to Pearl River Delta region and other city clusters in China will also be discussed.


  徐军,研究员,2003年以香港“输入内地人才计划”受聘至香港大学工作,先后任香港大学电子商业科技研究所研究项目经理、高级资讯经理 (2003-2013), 香港大学工程学院土木工程系博士后、研究员(2013-至今)。近年来, 作为首席项目研究员、副研究员、主要技术负责人或项目经理,领导或参与18项各类创新科技项目的研究和开发,项目类别包括:香港科技创新基金项目、香港研究资助局优配研究金项目、粤港关键领域合作项目及国家863项目等。 徐博士主要负责项目管理、架构设计、关键算法研究等。来港之前,徐博士先后在国内知名IT 公司和研究机构担任高级软件工师、系统分析员等职务,参与研究和开发的产品不仅在国内得到广泛应用,部分更远销日本、北美和欧洲等地。徐博士有超过8年的IT从业经验,广泛的跨专业领域知识、丰富的项目管理、产品研发和技术转移经验。徐博士1998年获北京大学计算数学专业博士学位,是多项软件著作权和专利的核心作者,学习和工作期间曾获北京市运筹学会优秀青年论文奖、北大光华奖学金等奖项。徐博士另有数十篇论文在国内外杂志和国际会议发表,并曾获论文高度推荐奖等。徐博士目前的研究兴趣包括: 智慧及韧性城市、能源互联网、物联网、大数据、供应链、区块链及互联网金融、创业创投、智慧教育、职业教育与培训等。
